Upcoming Chapter Events

Below are upcoming chapter conferences, seminars, review courses, and other events.  Prior chapter events can also be viewed.

For information on our event policies, see https://isaca-gwdc.org/event-policies/.

Cloud Security Conference

Virtual Event

In a world where over 80% of organizational resources are now hosted in the cloud and more than 90% of internet traffic is API-based, understanding and mitigating cybersecurity risks has […]

GWDC Members $10, Non-GWDC Members $30

Cybersecurity Conference

Virtual Event

The GWDC is proud to host its annual cybersecurity conference. This virtual conference is part of our monthly conference series. Business leaders and managers, executives, technologists, professionals, and students, interested […]

GWDC Members $10, Non-GWDC Members $30

Security and Risk Insights Conference

Virtual Event

Navigating the Future: A CISO’s Perspective on 2024 Security and Risk Priorities The ISACA Greater Washington D.C. Chapter (GWDC) invites you to our Annual Security and Risk Insights Conference—a must-attend […]

GWDC Members $10, Non-GWDC Members $30